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[Delaware Baby & Child Photographer] Lovely Ladies

These two beautiful sisters will be celebrating birthdays in a few weeks, so Mom wanted to get some photos taken.  Little Sister ‘M’ is turning one and she wanted to do was MOVE!  Big Sister ‘G’ is turning three and like most toddlers, she pretty much only wanted to do what SHE wanted to do.  It was tough, especially trying to get them looking and smiling at the camera together, but I ended up with so many cute ones, I couldn’t narrow it down to just 4 or 5 for the sneak peek — instead I have 8!

And since it’s Mother’s Day, here’s one more that just makes my heart melt.


Gail - Great set Erin! I love the use of texture in the second shot and that last one is just awesome – great capture of love, joy and emotion! Beautiful girls!

Jennifer Aguilar - These are so lovely! What a beautiful family. 🙂

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