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10 Days Old [Delaware Newborn Photographer]

Funny story : When I walked into their home, mom had mentioned how familiar I looked, but we chalked it up to the fact that we attended a baby shower for a mutual friend.  A little later into the session, we were talking about ballet and how she sends her daughter to the same ballet school Molly went to briefly last year.  She mentioned how her daughter had a hard time being left alone in class so she had to go in with her and all the sudden, I remembered her.  And she remembered Molly.  And how her daughter and Molly would hold hands during class.  And apparently after we stopped going, her daughter didn’t like going to class anymore.   She said “I HATED you for not going anymore!”  lol      So, sorry about that again.  🙂

This is baby number three in less than three years for this brave momma.  Baby Sean was welcomed home by his two big sisters who already love him dearly.  And how could they not? He is just perfect.  🙂

delaware newborn photographer

delaware newborn photographer

delaware newborn photographer

delaware newborn photographer

delaware newborn photographer


Jen - These are fantastic Erin!! I love the 1st one!

N@ - beautiful work! Love them all. Especially the first and second!

Adam and Kim :: MARRIED! [Delaware Wedding Photographer]

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of second shooting Adam and Kim’s wedding with the very talented Sarah Shulte. (Check out her post HERE)

The thing I was most excited about?  Being in the back of the church with Kim, her dad and her bridesmaids before the ceremony.  Usually, I’m waiting up front so I never am the one capturing those last few seconds before a bride becomes a wife.  So happy to have the opportunity this time.  🙂

Here are some of my images from the day.

The church had amazing stained glass windows that let in beautiful, colorful light.


Sarah - YAY! Looks awesome, Erin…it was so fun shooting with you! Thanks for all your help and for your wonderful work.

Patricia Alesi - Great pics. You captured the happiness of the day!

Gene Alesi - You are a gifted photographer.

Matt and Jillian :: ENGAGED! [Delaware Wedding Photographer]

Now that my 2010 wedding season is over, I’m really looking forward to 2011!  I have some AMAZING couples for next year and I am so excited for all their weddings!

Take Matt and Jillian . . . not only are they a super sweet, fun couple, but they’re gorgeous to boot!  Can you just picture how amazing Jillian is going to look in a wedding gown?


kelly - what a cute couple!
i love that you used that coke wall. when you did our session, before you arrived i lamented to Christian that it was so high up on the wall and how cool of a backdrop it would have been. i wish now that i had pointed it out to you. i should have known that you’d make it work. 🙂

great job!

erica - Beautiful photos! (And yes, Jillian looks gorgeous in all of these!)

Erin - The pictures are awesome! Can’t wait for the wedding! 🙂

Beth - Beautiful! I love the Coke picture….Jillian, you know you thought of me during that shot! (lol)
The last photo is my favorite! You both look so happy in love!

Matt & Jillian {Delaware Wedding Photographer} « Erin Farrell Photography – Delaware Wedding Newborn Baby Infant Child and Children's Photographer Wilmington Delaware DE - […] our awesome engagement session last fall, I was really looking forward to Matt & Jillian’s wedding day.  It was a […]

Sisters {Delaware Child Photographer}

I first met Miss A and Miss C’s Momma over three years ago when we were both pregnant with our oldest children.  Her sister, Meghan, was engaged and had scheduled a consultation with me to discuss wedding photography and she tagged along.  They come from an amazing family and I had an awesome time at Meghan and Luke’s wedding.  I also shot Miss A’s one year pictures and now little Miss C was turning one.  And guess who tagged along this time?  Meghan and her new baby girl! So much fun to see everyone again. 🙂


Trick or Treat

Or “Tic ehr teetin'”  as Molly called it.  🙂

She had been so excited all day.   Scratch that . . she had been so excited all WEEK.  We set off and she did great.  CJ, however, just wanted to walk.  and not necessarily towards the houses.   And eat his candy . . . through the wrapper.  So after about 4-5 houses, Daddy took CJ back to the house to hand out candy while Molly and I kept going.  After two more houses, she also wanted to go home.  I managed to get her to walk around the blog and hit a few more houses, but all she wanted to do was go home.  She did love handing out candy to the other kids though.  🙂

Onto the pics (Molly was Snow White and CJ was Dopey, if you couldn’t tell).  He will probably hate me when he’s older, but he looked so darn cute!


Beira - so cute! I can’t believe how big CJ is already!!!

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