With Molly and CJ having birthdays only two days apart, you bet they were going to be sharing a birthday party! Ever since CJ was born (actually even before he was born), I had been brainstorming gender-nuetral birthday party themes. Molly had been asking for a Toy Story party (which would have worked since it’s gender neutral), but I really wanted to do a Dr. Seuss party. So, Mommy overruled (on the basis that this would be the last time I would be able to do so) and Molly quickly jumped on board.
We had the party at a local playground that is usually fairly empty. It’s free to have a party there, but there are no reservations . . .so it’s pretty much first come, first serve. We decided to risk it this year — big mistake. We pulled up an hour before the party to set up and there was not a single table open. It was PACKED! I counted at least five birthday parties and one family reunion. I just about died – we were expecting almost FIFTY people! One party started packing up to leave, opening up 4 tables, and my stress level started to lower. Then, a dad setting up another party jumped on three of the tables! I was like, ‘oh, we’re getting ready to have a party too, so do you think we could split what’s here?’ He (I have many other names I wanted to call him) said, ‘We’re having a party at 3:00 and we need at least three of these tables.’
Because I had my kids with me and we were going to have to go through the whole party right next to these people, I smiled and started setting up on our one table. Thankfully, the huge family reunion was super nice and they condensed and gave us two more tables. So, a big THANK YOU to the super nice ladies from the family reunion! 🙂
The invite (minus location and phone number):

Anyway, onto the party pics! My kids in their Cat in Hat shirts I found on sale at Boscov’s for $5 each.

Paper products (from Celebrate Express) and huge banner (designed by me and printed at vistaprint.com):

The cake & cupcakes (made by a very talented friend)

The spread (we also had BBQ pulled pork (‘Yot in a Pot’) and BBQ pulled chicken (‘Yan in a Pan’) for the adults, but I forgot to get pictures of that):

Recycling bin (with a page from The Lorax on it that said “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It’s not.“) and a birthday book.

Party favors (small Dr. Seuss stuff from Target and lollipops from Oriental Trading)

We also did a goldfish buffet. Kids could take a sippy cup and fill it up with goldfish.

Some fun party pics. Molly with her two best friends. LOVED that some of the guests showed up in Dr. Seuss outfits! 🙂

Pinata time!

To say CJ enjoyed his chocolate smash cake was an understatement. I will be digging icing out of his nose for days.

There were mountains of gifts from our generous family and friends. Molly chucked all clothing right over her shoulder. Such a change from last year when she would exclaim, “Cute!” everytime she opened something. CJ was more interested in climbing on the gifts rather than opening them.

One of my very best friends and her three handsome boys.

Molly rocking out. She ended up with THREE guitars!