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Charlotte is ONE! [Dover Delaware Baby Photographer]

I met up with this little darling the day after her first birthday for a session in downtown Dover.  It was a little chilly, so she wasn’t too happy about sitting on the ground.  Thank goodness I brought along my little chair!

Big sister came along too so I took a couple of quick shots of her too.


brittany londeree - Hello, I was wondering what your prices were for a 6 month old baby boy?

More from Noland’s birth [Delaware Birth Photographer]

One of the reasons I was so happy to be able to be there for the birth of this beautiful little baby boy was because his Daddy is deployed and was unable to come home for the birth.  So I am excited to get these images processed so that Mom can share them with Daddy. 🙂

Be forewarned — there is a lot of images in this post.  And if you want to continue to [wrongly] believe that babies are born all clean and shiny, then don’t go any further. 😉

I love this last one.  The whole family was there and while it had been a whirlwind of activity, it suddenly died down for a moment and everyone got very quiet.  It was so peaceful and I don’t know quite how to explain it, but to me, this is the exact moment Noland truly became a part of their family.


Malia - Erin, these are the most touching photos I think I’ve ever seen… I am seriously about to cry looking at these. Amazing!

Karen - Wow! These are really amazing photos! Great Work!

jamie - These are amazing…. Great photos….

Linda Walton aka Bobbysgirlforever - Erin, I just hopped over to visit via Sharlene Hudson and Noland’s birth photos are simply stunning!

My daughter and SIL just had my granddaughter’s first photo session with local photographer here in Vancouver, WA and her name is also Erin!

You have AMAZING talent and I thank you for sharing your photos with me. Have a SUPERB week and if I noted correctly, you are expecting, like ANY time???


Warm regards,

Linda Walton
Bon Scrapatit Designs

Linda Walton aka Bobbysgirlforever - LOL! Ooops! That was Twitter post from last September, so your precious bundle must be around ten months of age now? Congratulations anyhoo! You are one busy lady! 😀

Happy Birthday Noland! « Erin Farrell Photography – Delaware Wedding Newborn Baby Infant Child and Children's Photographer Wilmington Delaware DE - […] actually known this little guy since the second he was born since I photographed his birth a year ago.   It was so fun to get back and get to see how much he’s grown!  And later […]

Mr N is TWO!! « Erin Farrell Photography – Delaware Wedding Newborn Baby Infant Child and Children's Photographer Wilmington Delaware DE - […] to believe it’s been two years since I burst into the hospital room 30 seconds before this little dude entered the world.  He is SUCH a cutie and mom always has such great ideas for his […]

Baby R {Delaware Birth Photographer} » Erin Farrell Photography – Delaware Wedding Newborn Baby Infant Child and Children's Photographer Wilmington Delaware DE - […] be there to photograph sweet Miss R’s birth into this world just like with her big brother (HERE), but then Mom learned she was going to have to have a c-section.  No problem, Mom rolled with the […]

Freshly Born Baby [Delaware Birth Photographer]

There’s nothing better in the world a brand new baby and I had the incredible opportunity to document that today.   Just barely though — Mom progressed super quickly and by the time I got the call that she was close, I sprinted to the hospital just in time.  I literally walked in the door, started shooting and within probably 40 SECONDS, baby Noland was born.  Simply amazing.

Just one image to share for now.  This was the first shot I fired off.  Take a good look at the clock in the background.  Noland was born at 1:41 pm.  🙂

More images coming soon . . .


Caroline - I love the delivery room photos! I’ve had a family member taking pictures for all 3 births, and wish I had a professional doing it! I’m a “semi-pro” and am very psyched about the fact that I will be taking pics for my cousin during her c-section in October. Can’t wait! Your pictures are amazing!

Brian - As my wife (and I) has birthed 3 kids, we’ve learned that modestly is left at the hospital door. Do many people approach you for this or is it a very random thing. While I did not get many pictures of our first child at the hospital, I have hundreds of the 2nd and 3rd entering the world. I would think more people would want this captured. Am I wrong?

Robin - Let me say how beautiful these are! I happen to be an l&d nurse and am starting to dibble dabble in photography. Mostly for myself. I would however love to take birth photos because I see so many of these wonderful moments — and unfortunately not so wonderful that I know families would love to have. I think your composition rocks!! I am inspired and would love any tips!

My Molly

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about my big girl, Molly.  Biggest news is that she’s potty trained – yippee!  Been going strong (with only a few set backs) for over two months now.   And she is such a good big sister – loves making CJ laugh and smile and has a weird obsession with wanting to see his poopy diapers.  I know – I have strange kids.  🙂

On St. Patty’s Day with her two little pitiful pony tails.

We’ve been thoroughly enjoying these spring evenings outside.  I love her how her bottom lip is sticking out as she concentrates on drawing rabbits.

and her chubby little fingers holding the chalk.

She has the same super fine whispy, slow-growing straight hair I had as a child.  I trimmed it ever so slightly a few months ago in an attempt to make it look thicker.  The rain made it curl under just a little today and it looked so cute, we ventured out into the sprinkles to get a few shots.

Her ‘cheese’ face.  Notice the purple bruise on her left cheek?  Yeah, she fell out of her bed this morning and hit her face on the step stool.  🙁


More of Mr. J [Delaware Baby Photographer]

I could not get over how cute and chubby this little guy was!  and his hair??  LOVED it.


Kim - Erin… you blow me away… I love the one of my sister and the baby by her face… GORGEOUS! You do amazing work…. On another note I took my album into work the other day…. I can’t tell you the compliments I get on the pictures…. I love your work. You are so talented!!

Beira - Erin, absolutely beautiful session! This little guy is too cute and I love the expression you captured in the b&w one.

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