I can’t even begin to count how many times we’ve had to reschedule mini sessions due to the rain. We FINALLY got a break on Saturday and even though it was cloudy and a teeny bit chilly at times, we got some great shots. Thanks so much for to all the families who tredged through wet grass without a single complaint!
First up, Chance and his little sister, Brea.

As I was looking through the images on my computer, this one immediately brought back memories. Chance’s mom, Robin, and I have known each other since oh . . maybe second grade? And as soon as I saw this one, it reminded me of how she used to be able to make her tongue “belly dance”.

The G Family came out to my mini sessions last year and I fell in love with little Julie. She was certainly a lot harder to photograph this year, but a little bribing with candy never hurt anyone.

Little Miss Cadence was also a repeat client. She was so shy last time I don’t think I got more than a couple words (and smiles) out of her the whole time. This time there were plenty of smiles and even some twirling!

Next up were Cadence’s beautiful cousins, Lily and Maya. Lily was all about showing me her “stylish” poses but Maya took a little more work to get her to smile for me. Heck, who am I kidding? It took a little more work just to get Maya to stay in one place!

After a day full of pulling out all the stops to get little ones to look at me and smile and chasing toddlers around, the M family was a welcome break. Are they a beautiful family or what?

And we ended the day with the T boys and their amazing blue eyes.