It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about my big girl, Molly. Biggest news is that she’s potty trained – yippee! Been going strong (with only a few set backs) for over two months now. And she is such a good big sister – loves making CJ laugh and smile and has a weird obsession with wanting to see his poopy diapers. I know – I have strange kids. 🙂
On St. Patty’s Day with her two little pitiful pony tails.

We’ve been thoroughly enjoying these spring evenings outside. I love her how her bottom lip is sticking out as she concentrates on drawing rabbits.

and her chubby little fingers holding the chalk.

She has the same super fine whispy, slow-growing straight hair I had as a child. I trimmed it ever so slightly a few months ago in an attempt to make it look thicker. The rain made it curl under just a little today and it looked so cute, we ventured out into the sprinkles to get a few shots.

Her ‘cheese’ face. Notice the purple bruise on her left cheek? Yeah, she fell out of her bed this morning and hit her face on the step stool. 🙁

brittany londeree - Hello, I was wondering what your prices were for a 6 month old baby boy?