Little Miss E just gets funnier and cuter each time I see her! She has the most adorable little voice ever. It was so good to see this family again. I think it’s been over three years that I’ve been photographing their family – starting with mom and dad’s engagement pictures. We even recreated one of my favorite shots — it’s been so long I don’t even have it on my computer anymore, but it was the two of them sitting on a bench overlooking the pond with a beautiful blue sky. The bench was no longer there, but there was a beautiful blue sky.
I first met this beautiful family last fall when they came out for my mini sessions. I’d like to say Miss Zoe was a little more forthcoming with the smiles than she was then, but I’d be lying. That girl just does not like getting her picture taken. But yet again, we still got some great shots. Even if it took some coaxing.
But even the ones where she’s crying are pretty darn adorable. Am I right?
These two beautiful sisters will be celebrating birthdays in a few weeks, so Mom wanted to get some photos taken. Little Sister ‘M’ is turning one and she wanted to do was MOVE! Big Sister ‘G’ is turning three and like most toddlers, she pretty much only wanted to do what SHE wanted to do. It was tough, especially trying to get them looking and smiling at the camera together, but I ended up with so many cute ones, I couldn’t narrow it down to just 4 or 5 for the sneak peek — instead I have 8!
And since it’s Mother’s Day, here’s one more that just makes my heart melt.
Great set Erin! I love the use of texture in the second shot and that last one is just awesome – great capture of love, joy and emotion! Beautiful girls!
You can always tell when spring arrives by the number of personal photos I take. I separate my personal pictures into folders by month. January — 86 images; February – 108; March – 161 . . . April – 595!! Um, yeah . . I guess we’ve been a little busy, so here’s a whirlwind photo tour of my kiddos for the month of April:
Started the month off with a trip to Sesame Street LIVE. I have no idea why Molly was making such a silly face, but I love it. and have watched it at least a twenty times.
The very next day, we went to the circus.
Easter was fairly low-key. Molly’s favorite item in her Easter basket was the watering can. She loves helping Daddy water all the flowers. And the grass. And the driveway. And even her little brother.
We finally got around to getting both of the kids baptized. Our plan was to find a church that we liked and get them baptized there, but . . well, we’re just not that good about getting to church. Luckily, we have a friend who is a minister at a local boarding school. So had him do it! Not only was it awesome to have someone close to us perform the ceremony, we got to be in a gorgeous chapel on a beautiful campus.
The only downside to waiting two and half years to baptize your child? The next day you find them with a cup of water baptizing themselves and their baby brother.
Untitled from erin carrow on Vimeo.
It’s just so nice to be able to get outside! Plus I love baby toes in the grass
Plus this kid is just so darn cute! He literally smiles as soon as I life the camera to my face. What a ham! It’s been really interesting this month when we go out in public. People used to always comment on cute Molly is and now there has a been a dramatic shift of attention to CJ. It’s weird – feels like it just happened overnight. Molly is going through a shy stage, so I don’t think she minds if her baby brother gets all the attention from strangers. At least I hope not.
My husband’s birthday was at the end of the month, so I surprised him with a weekend trip to Vegas! I ended up caving and telling him two weeks before we left though. We had a great time and it was so nice to get away without the kids (who, according to Grammie and Grampy, were “perfect angels”.)
CJ got his first two teeth this month and he is *this close* to crawling.
I totally forgot to share the slideshow of Noland’s birth! Such an amazing, amazing time. Unfortunately, the idea of having your delivery photographed skeeves many people out. I always tell them, “It’s because you’ve never seen one done tastefully then.” I am so thankful that Nicole didn’t need any convincing — she knew it was something she wanted right away. Both my sister and my best friend are due this summer and want me taking pictures in the delivery room and I am SOOO psyched about that!
Enough talk, onto the slideshow!
This brought tears to my eyes!!!!
Lovely, great shots.
Emma - What a gorgeous family! Beautiful pictures!
kerri - Gorgeous pictures
Dana - Great pics Katie! You have a beautiful family!
Valerie - She is absolutely adorable!
Allison - E is so adorable!!!! Love the pics.
Samantha Okoorian - I think that this baby is adorable. She seems to love her mommy and daddy and generaly looks happy. Little E is very photogenetic.
andrea matthews - Luv these pictures and the location I cant wait to bring my son Nuri to get his first born day photos
Caitlin - The P family is so cute, and E looks like she’s having so much fun! The pictures are wonderful–what a great setting!
Diana - Emma looks too cute, as always! All the photos are great, it’s hard to pick a favorite! I love them all!
Dan Panero - Great pictures of Emma!
Crystal - Adorable pictures!! E is so cute!
Beth - LOVE LOVE the picture with the tutu!!!!! she is such a cutie :o)
P - I wish Katie and Bob would swing me like that.
Marisa - Love the pictures! She is adorable!
Rachel - I love the tutu one, she is so precious!
Katie - Emma is adorable and I love how you can see her shoes in the full-length picture. Such vibrant colors!